GNA Presents Club Awards for the 2012/2013 Ski Season
Gilford, NH – March 24, 2013 – Gunstock Nordic Association – GNA would like to congratulate the following recipients of our annual awards:
- The Martin C. Hall Nordic Memorial Award was presented to Sander Valpey who developed into our most consistent BKL skier.
- The Garry Allen Trophy was presented to Jack Schrupp and Tessa Schrupp as the best overall GNA cross-country skiers. Both qualified for Junior Nationals (JOs) held in Fairbanks Alaska, highlighted with a third-place finish by Jack.
- The GNA Award of Achievement was presented to Joe Smith and Matt Young – both had excellent ski seasons and were “runners up” for the Gary Allen Trophy.
- The Coach’s Award was presented to Sophie Czerwinski, Ryan Boqiust, Mark Young, Michael Czerwinski who demonstrated exceptional effort, determination, and have shown marked improvement during the 2012/2013 Ski Season.
- The President’s Sportsmanship Award was presented to Michael Czerwinski who was this year’s best example of sportsmanship within GNA.
GNA Criteria for Each Award
The Martin C. Hall Nordic Memorial
This award is presented to one or more JV, JIV, and JIII skier(s) “showing the most improvement.”
Generally, this is presented to one or two skiers. However, in 1981, it was presented to four skiers. Although we could take “skier” literally, I think the intent was to be inclusive. “Skier” can mean Nordic skier, Nordic jumper, or Nordic combiner.
When calculating “most improved,” we must consider a pattern of development where the skier: 1) Shows intentional drive to become better; 2) Works to improve; 3) Has documented results that are measurably better—either from season to season or from beginning to end of season; 4) Demonstrates substantial progress in mastering the skills of Nordic skiing and/or jumping.
Gary Allen Trophy – Best Cross-Country Skier
This may be made to one or two skiers each year. If two awards are presented, it should be either a tie for the same sex or be split with one award presented to a boy and one to a girl.
In this case, “skier” should be taken literally. This award should only be presented to a cross-country skier who is considered “best in the Gunstock Nordic Association.”
When calculating who should receive the award, we must consider: 1) Award should be presented to a JII or older student; 2) Must have active participation in training programs and determination to improve through instruction; 3) A serious commitment to the sport through full participation in Junior Olympic qualifiers; 4) J.O. qualifier competition results.
When considering “competition results,” skiers should be ranked on a percent back system as compared to other skiers in their age group at Junior Olympic qualifier races. The best four finished during the season of qualifiers should be averaged and a value assigned to the competitor. In the event that a JII and JI competitor are in the running for the award in one sex, or there is a tie in one age group, a new average will be determined by adding to the above the best percent back finish in one race at the Junior Olympics, or if the competitor did not attend the Junior Olympics due to economics, a race at the Eastern High School Championship level may be used.
No more than two individuals per year will be presented with the award—one male and one female. However, it is not necessary to present two awards each year.
Glenn Joyce Trophy – Best Nordic Combined
This award is presented each year to one competitor who: 1) Competes at a JII or older category; 2) Participates fully in Junior Olympic qualifiers; 3) Must be actively engaged in GNA training programs; 4) Shows determination to continue striving to improve; 5) Has the best competition results for the season.
When considering “competition results,” Nordic combiners should be ranked based on the average of three best finish results in their age group at Junior Olympic qualifier races. “Age group” is defined as the level at which the competitor competes, not the level at which he or she should compete if age alone were a factor. The best three results should be averaged, and an average time behind value assigned to the competitor. If this alone is not sufficient, a new average will be determined by adding to the above the time behind score from the Junior Olympics or a comparable event. In the event that this fails to determine a clear winner, a second average based on jumping points from three JO qualifier events and one Nordic combined event will be averaged. The combiner with the lowest time behind score and highest jump points will be the winner.
No more than two individuals per year will be presented with the award—one male and one female. However, it is not necessary to present two awards each year.
Cynthia Kling Trophy for Best Jumper
This award is presented each year to one competitor who: 1) Competes at a JII or older category; 2) Participates fully in Junior Olympic qualifiers; 3) Must be actively engaged in GNA training programs; 4) Shows determination to continue striving to improve; 5) Has the best competition results for the season.
When considering “competition results,” jumpers should be ranked based on the average jump points for the three best events in their age group at Junior Olympic qualifier races. “Age group” is defined as the level at which the competitor competes, not the level at which he or she should compete if age alone were a factor. The best three results should be averaged and an average jump point value assigned to the competitor. If this alone is not sufficient, a new average will be determined by adding to the above the best result from a Junior Olympics competition or a comparable event. In the event that this fails to determine a clear winner, a cumulative value will be determined by adding together jump points earned at all JO qualifier events in which the competitor participated and all Junior Olympic individual events in which the competitor participated. The student with the highest number is the winner.
No more than two individuals per year will be presented with the award—one male and one female. However, it is not necessary to present two awards each year.
Gunstock Nordic Association Award of Achievement
This award may be presented in each discipline (skiing, Nordic combined, and jumping) and generally is intended for the person who is “runner up” for the Gary Allen, Glenn Joyce, and Cynthia King trophies. The same criteria should be used as with the Allen, Joyce, and King awards. In the event there is a tie for runner up in the primary categories, the coach and vice president will break the tie by considering the amount of effort demonstrated by the competitor.
Coach’s Award
Up to two coach’s awards each in JII and JI age groups may be presented to individuals enrolled and active in GNA training programs. Winners must: demonstrate exceptional effort and determination; have participated seriously in regional competitions; have shown marked improvement; and have promise for the future. These are at the coach’s discretion.
Bill Koch Citations
Citations may be presented to Bill Koch League competitors who demonstrate improvement and determination. There is no limit.
President’s Sportsmanship Award
This award is presented each year to the GNA competitor who is the best example of sportsmanship and who best reflects the goals and ideals of the organization. The selection will be made from a pool of up to four individuals recommended by the head coach in consultation with the vice presidents of skiing and jumping. This list will be given privately to the coach and his assistants, as well as each vice president. Each will make a choice and notify the president. The president will break any ties. In any event, the name of the winner will be kept secret and will be known only to the president until the awards ceremony.