GNA Receives Anonymous $5,000 Donation in Memory of Lisa Young
Gilford, NH – Nov. 22, 2016 – Gunstock Nordic Association – We are honored to announce that Gunstock Nordic has received a $5,000 anonymous donation in memory of Lisa Young, our friend and former GNA president. We are both moved and very thankful for this amazing and generous donation! We will be sure to use it to bring more fun and continued success to the club—just as Lisa would have wanted.
About GNA
The Gunstock Nordic Association (GNA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to teaching and promoting the lifelong enjoyment of Nordic sports. GNA has been the premier training organization in Central NH for ski jumping and cross-country skiing since 1937. Several GNA members have gone on to ski at NCAA Division 1 and 2 colleges, and many are now coaching at schools throughout New England. GNA offers a children’s beginner ski program, a comprehensive junior development team, a masters program, cross-country ski race coaching, a ski jumping program, and summer training camps for junior and collegiate racers. We also host several local, state, and regional competitions on our cross-country ski trails—from Bill Koch League skiers (ages 3–13) through NENSA Masters 75+.