The Resurgence of the GNA Jumping Program
Gilford, NH – April 2, 2016 – Ski jumping is alive and well in central New Hampshire! We kicked off the 2016 GNA youth ski jumping program last December with 2 new jumpers, Phoenix and Laslo Beaulieu, age 7 to 9. Both had never jumped before and they excelled very fast. The season started with dry-land training where we worked on balance, timing, and technique. Jumpers also trained on our new roller jump simulator, where we worked on fine-tuning technique before heading to the actual jumps. After the first snow, we moved on to the jumps for the real deal! The beginners started on the 5-meter jump, which we called the pimple;, while the more experience jumpers quickly moved on to the 10-meter jump.
Our jumpers went on to compete in various club events throughout New England. One of the highlights this season was the ascent of Phoenix and Laslo who consistently placed well throughout the year’s competitions on the 10-meter and smaller hills. Notably placing first and Second in their respective age groups in several events at both the Andover Outing Club event and at the Gunstock competition.
GNA also hosted two events this season. The first was the New England Youth League event, held on January 23, 2016. This event brought approximately 18 athletes from the Andover and Lebanon Outing Clubs. On January 06, 2016, GNA hosted a high school ski jumping competition, which featured teams from throughout the state of New Hampshire. 45 athletes competed and all demonstrated good form and had great results. Some had said that our Gunstock 10 meter was the largest they had jumped so far for the season!
We’re excited to announce that our 2017 season will be starting in late summer/fall with dry-land training and conditioning. We will work with the roller jump simulator and be ready for the first snow and hitting the jumps. Our goal is to grow GNA's jumping program and preserve the tradition of ski jumping in the lakes region and in the surrounding area as a whole.
GNA is working in conjunction with Gunstock Mountain Historic Preservation Society (GNHPS) to rebuild and revitalize the jump complex, which consists of 4 graduated jumps of various sizes (10 meter, 26 meter, 40 meter, and 70 meter). The 10-meter jump is fully functional, jumps well, and is in great condition through our careful and attentive manicuring throughout the summer and fall. We will start to work on the 20-meter jump later this summer or early fall. We are currently raising funds and rely on lots of volunteer help to get the job done. With each step, we move forward and closer towards our goal.
Please feel free to contact GNA or GMHPS with your interest and we will gladly fill you in on our progress and programs.
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